Women Caucus organizes the round table discussion on the gender responsive policies for the family in Kosovo: “Promoting Maternity Leave in Kosovo: Strategies for Change - Inclusion of Work-Life Balance Provisions”.
The round table is held today on the 13th of March 2023.
Time: 13:00 o’clock
Venue: 506
13:00 - 13:10 Welcome
13:10 - 13:30 Opening remarks
Mrs. Tinka Kurti, Head of the Women Caucus
Mrs. Albulena Haxhiu, Minister of Justice
Mrs. Sandra Horina, Head of Office, Austrian Development Agency
Dr. Visare Mujko-Nimani, Head of Office, UNFPA in Kosovo
13:30 - 13:33 Mrs. Eliza Hoxha, MP, member of the GGD Board
13:33 - 14:36
13:36 - 14:39 Mrs. Valentina Bunjaku, MP, member of the GGD Board
Mrs. Albana Bytyqi, MP, member of the GGD Board
14:40- 14:45 Mrs. Nicole Farnsworth, Program Director, Kosovo Women's Network
14:45 – 14:55 Znj. Dita Dobranja, Eksperte e Ekonomisë, Autore e Përmbledhjes së Politikave: Dispozitat për Koston e Lejes së Lehonisë, Atësisë dhe Lejen Prindërore në Ligjin e Punës
14:55 – 15:25 Diskutim i hapur
15:30 Përfundim
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